Melani Nicol Moran, from the community of La Vaquilla, graduated with first place honors from Colegio Pablo Alzamora Vargas
I first got to know Forum Foundation when some students approached us at school to offer us their support and motivation. In the beginning, the support we received helped us attend school in person, but later on, as the pandemic began to have an impact the Foundation provided us with cellphone cards and data so that we could connect to our virtual classes and not fall behind.
I was able to graduate with first-place honors, thanks to God for all the wisdom that he sowed in me. Thanks also to my family who motivated me from the very beginning and never stopped supporting me. I achieved this important goal because since childhood I have always liked to study, and be responsible. This is one of the characteristics to which I put a lot of effort. Sometimes there are things we don’t understand and the circumstances are difficult I try to do everything possible to understand and continue moving forward.
To achieve this goal, like any student, I had to study, focus on my purpose and go beyond my talents, which was helpful in many areas because I am a participative and cooperative person. Whenever I could do something I put my best effort forward, I studied hard and focused as much as I could. I was even able to balance school work with my free time and occupations. But this took a lot of responsibility, to be well organized and manage it well.
I overcame challenges, although I am sure others had some significantly more difficult challenges. In my case traveling was difficult, since my community is not easy to reach, another problem during the pandemic has been the low signal for our internet and data, and of course the economic impact and lack of resources in our communities. But I am thankful to God that we have been able to persevere.
My advice to other students would be as always to encourage them to continue studying hard and not give up, always keep your parents and family in mind, as well as all those people who care about us, because they believe in our potential and that we are good people capable of becoming professionals. Although the road is hard, the harvest is always good.
Diploma in hand Melani is ready for her next learning adventure. She will go on to study Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Tecnologica de Panama. In fact she is already taking some classes this summer. “It is great because a lot of it is reviewing content from former years, the professors explanations couldn’t be better, there is a lot of participation even though classes are virtual, which is great. Although it’s been a little hard to connect because of the signal or the power going out. I had to move locations so I could have better access and a better connection and now all is good.
Forum Foundation is committed to supporting inspiring young people like Melani so that they can continue their learning journey and achieve their goals.