Nitzia Sanchez


Nitzia is from the community of Toabre. Following the closure of the Forum Academy, as a result of the global pandemic, she now studies at Colegio Carmen Conte Lombardo. 

We recently heard Nitzia also received a scholarship to participate in the Robotics and STEAM Olympiad in Panama.

She discovered  Forum Academy, after hearing about this unique school from a teacher at her community school who insisted Nitzia not pass up this opportunity. Her curiosity sparked, she began researching and applied. “I never looked back, and if I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat.  Being a student at a school like the Academy is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and students must take full advantage of it. It was so much fun learning at the academy.”

Although she did not have the chance to enroll in  the IB Diploma Program, Nitzia wishes she would have had the opportunity. “I know it helps shape students, so that we are open minded, good communicators, inquirers, and work well together.  I would have taken 100% advantage of it, and I would have obtained much more knowledge. The IB is a true representation of excellence in education. 

What Nitzia liked the most was the way teachers used the time they had to teach in dynamic ways, explaining things in depth, asking challenging questions and making each of the classes different and interesting. Moreover, given the school was a boarding school, Nitzia enjoyed the comradery with her fellow students. “It was sad when we heard the Academy would be closing, but after receiving so much help and support there is nothing to complain about.”

Things are different at her new school though, as she explains; “ I have not met many of my fellow students, so there isnt that same feeling of teamwork. It has been difficult but I have not lost hope or motivation to keep studying. I am taking advantage of the abilities and knowledge, that I have thanks to what I was able to learn at the Academy.”  

Learning virtually has been challenging for Nitzia, mostly because of the internet signal or electrical outages. Nonetheless, like many students whoes lives were touched by the work of Forum Academy, this will not change her hope or motivation. “I have always kept this phrase in my mind. El que Persevera, alcanza.” (Perseverence brings accomplishment) 

Nitzia is excited about participating in the virtual competitions in Robotics and STEAM. Here is some of what the scholarship will cover.

Virtual robotics simulator, for education in programing 12 months.
Online course platform on robotics, programming, and STEAM, 12 months.
Registry in the National Robotics and STEAM Olympics 2020.
2 months of virtual synchronous classes in robotics and programming.
12 months of virtual asynchronous classes in STEAM.
Participation in 6 Open Challenges for Pre Season Traning.
Participation in the Robotics Vitual Games International Championship.

I invite all young Panamanians to study. It is not about where you come from, but where you are going. Education in our country is not perfect, but let’s assume our commitment as students.  To be people who do not change people but change things such as the educational system.

Invito a todos los jóvenes panameños a estudiar. No se trata de donde vienes, sino de donde va. la educación es nuestro país no es la perfecta pero asumamos nuestro compromiso como estudiantes. ser personas que no cambie gente sino cosas. cambiar el sistema educativo donde estamos.

Forum Foundation is committed to supporting exceptional students like Nitzia, so that they successfully complete high school and go on to university and lifelong learning.